Life With Sibling Project
This is a rare opportunity for your children to participate in an experience that strengthens the bond and the love they have for one another. We all know that siblings can be our best friends one minute and our worst enemies the next. This project will focus on the love they have for each other and help them realize without a shadow of a doubt how important the relationship is always!
This project is about celebrating themselves, their brothers and sisters! We want to recognize and strengthen the invisible bond that is with them until the end of time. Every family has their own culture and siblings are the only ones to really understand on a deep level what the culture is all about. It's also normal to have feelings of jealousy, frustration or to feel competitive with one another.
The main goal of our photography project is to make your child look and feel amazing. He will gain a stronger sense of self-confidence and an awareness of his importance in your family and the difference he makes through just being himself as well as gain a deeper appreciation for his siblings. For more information about our Life With Siblings project, please click on the links below!
The Life With Siblings Project is currently CLOSED.
However. you can APPLY to be notified when this project becomes available again.
You are welcome to come in and be photographed for the aforementioned session.
We are just not offering an updated ebook at this time.